Study of The AmericasBarometer in the Framework of the Convergence of Social Cohesion and Development and Well-Being: The Mexican Case
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In this research, two models were designed, one theoretical and one statistical, respective to the convergent themes of social cohesion and development and social welfare. first, the principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm was applied to correlate some select items of the 2021 version of El Barometro de las Americas, Mexico; subsequently common items were chosen for the 2021, 2016, 2010 and 2024 versions and a longitudinal descriptive analysis was performed. The limitation for the study was the lack of consistency between the items in the different periods applied, which prevented the comparison of the 2021 data against other periods in their entirety. The model created contains 3 groups, Group 1 convergence between development and cohesion, Group 2 hypothetical perception of Coup d’ etat and dictatorial government, and Group 3 economy and performance of the national government. The results allow us to understand how the opinion of citizens is. The originality of this reduced framework of convergence of the themes of social cohesion and development and welfare is that the reduced framework could allow the design of public programs and actions for the benefit of the community.
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