The physical resistance of rarámuri: an anthropological view

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Javier Rivera Morales
Luis Alberto Vargas Guadarrama
Solange Sotuyo


A critical review is made of the Rarámuri’s physical resistance. Analyzing the results offered by physiology and its material and symbolic conditions, we propose an integrative framework to understand the phenomenon from a symmetrical and transdisciplinary approach, integrating anthropology into biology.

We propose an ontological approach that integrates topologically the physical and social environment with a hybrid interface the organism-person, where the organism overflows through a person through a wide range of relationships. In this case, concepts that are mediators of relationships such as work, strength, effort, and soul are essential to understand the role of physical activity and the network of relationships each person develops in the Rarámuri collective, wherein their physical condition is a product of a development influenced by the biological and cultural heritage and the niche construction.



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How to Cite
Rivera Morales, J., Vargas Guadarrama, L. A., & Sotuyo, S. (2019). The physical resistance of rarámuri: an anthropological view. Annals of Anthropology, 53(1), 89–99.

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Author Biography

Javier Rivera Morales, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Investigador Independiente Laboratorio de Genética ENAH

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