Expressions of Totonac Art: An Experience of Learning Management

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Carlos Alberto Cruz González


This article presents the process of educational intervention developed in the educative experience called Expressions of Totonac Art, which aims at creating and developing intercultural competences in students of the University of Veracruz. The generation and interiorization of such skills is emphasized during the learning process through an approximation to Totonicapán cultural diversity as a learning approach for the valorization of otherness. In order to do so, the educational experience was focused on an action-research methodology, which permitted to design an educational intervention strategy based on constructing knowledge through dialogue. The educational experience generated a relevant re-signification in each of the different formative profiles of the college students; the outcome of the learning process allowed them to recognize, reflect and analyze their concepts of identity, interculturality, intercultural relationships and valorization of the diversity within the Totonac world.


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How to Cite
Cruz González, C. A. (2017). Expressions of Totonac Art: An Experience of Learning Management. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 5(14).

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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Cruz González, Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural

Maestro en Gestión del Aprendizaje por la Universidad
Veracruzana. Trabajador de tiempo completo de la
Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural (UVI) en la Unidad de
Interculturalidad y Género. Comisionado para el proceso de
evaluación institucional en la UVI, Sede Regional Huasteca.
Mención Honorífica en el marco del Premio a la Innovación
Docente 2016 por la Universidad Veracruzana. Mención
Honorífica en defensa de la tesis de maestría “Desarrollo de
competencias interculturales en el docente universitario” por la Universidad Veracruzana.