Social Representations of formal education in marginal youth. Initial explorations with Alceste

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María Cecilia Losano
José Baltazar García Horta


This paper presents the results from 30 in-depth interviews made to youngsters from deprived areas regarding their social representations (SR) of formal education using Alceste© (Lexical analysis of co-occurrences in simple sentences of a text). Firstly, the basic guidelines and the data collection methodology of the research are presented. Then, the four lexical classes, which resulted from the investigation, are analyzed. Two lexical sets are generated in the discourse: an ”outside” vision of the school, in relation to other worlds and placed in context with other realities, and an “inside” vision including learning and teaching and its usefulness for the future. Finally, some considerations are presented regarding the use of the results and the opportunity it offers to explore Social Representations (SR). A more prudent use of the results and consideration in taking this procedure as a first step in the intellection of SR is suggested.


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How to Cite
Losano, M. C., & García Horta, J. B. (2017). Social Representations of formal education in marginal youth. Initial explorations with Alceste. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 4(9).

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Author Biographies

María Cecilia Losano, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Maestra en Educación Superior con Acentuación en Psicología Educativa (Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey); estudiante del Doctorado en Políticas Comparadas de Bienestar Social, Posgrado de la Facultad de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). Líneas de investigación: trayectorias estudiantiles en educación media y superior; jóvenes marginales; representaciones sociales de la educación.

José Baltazar García Horta, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Maestro en Administración Educativa y Doctor en Educación (Universidad de Leeds, Inglaterra), Profesor del Posgrado de la Facultad de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano, UANL. Líneas de investigación: política educativa; implementación de iniciativas gubernamentales; condiciones laborales de los docentes; administración educativa.