Trichoderma as a possible mycoparasite of Sporisorium reilianum and its influence on maize yield
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Purpose - the objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma strains in the control of Sporisorium reilianum and to increase yield in a maize crop in the Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo.
Methodology - experiments in vitro and in vivo were developed and the variables evaluated were colonization by Trichoderma in dual cultures, incidence, colonization of plant tissues, height and yield.
Results - it was demonstrated, in vitro, that the pathogen was controlled mainly by the strains C5THBr and C3VM14. Regarding incidence in the crop, the treatment with which the best result was obtained was with the C4TVBr-non-native strain (8.31%). Tissues were colonized by Trichoderma from 19.99% (leaves) to 53.3% (roots). Except for C3VM14, all treatments showed positive effect on plant height. When C5THBr-non-native strain was applied, there was a 38.8% increase in yield.
Limitations - detailed studies on mechanisms of action of the strains under study are required.
Findings - both native and non-native Trichoderma strains can have an effect on the control of Sporisorium reilianum as well as on maize crop yield.
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