Building Linkages from Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of an Inter-institutional Alliance

Main Article Content

María Josefa Santos
Rebeca de Gortari Rabiela
Marco Lopátegui Torres


Purpose: To analyze and document the case of the Alliance to Promote the Development of Digital Capacities in Mexico as a space that promotes the linkage and transfer of knowledge supporting the development of technological capacities in Artificial Intelligence.

Methodological Design: The article is built under the assumption that Artificial Intelligence can be a tool which supports convergent science, if the adoption and transfer process is modeled based on a socially meaningful construction; for those who develop it, especially for those who will be its final users.

Results: A case is presented which shows how the strategies followed by the different institutional actors that conform the Alliance promote the design of applications linked to Artificial Intelligence, such as data and image analysis, using servers, training, and certifications.

Research Limitations: This is a single case study; therefore, it would be worthwhile to comparatively analyze how these types of alliances behave in other locations.

Findings: The way in which references, and knowledge are woven to build an alliance whose purpose is to develop and transfer Artificial Intelligence technology from the perspective of convergent science is shown. Among the findings is documenting a triple transfer process where linkage plays an important role that has allowed different institutional actors to build bridges that have facilitated interaction with others. The way in which the research groups have acquired tools to transfer the results of their projects to vulnerable groups is also documented.



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How to Cite
Santos, M. J., de Gortari Rabiela, R. ., & Lopátegui Torres, M. . (2023). Building Linkages from Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of an Inter-institutional Alliance. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(25), 1–15.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

María Josefa Santos, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Investigadora titular del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores en el área de Humanidades. Es miembro del  comité editorial de la revista Nueva Antropología. Area de investigación tecnología y cultutura sobre la que he impartido más de 50 conferencias nacionales e internacionales, 40 cursos y dirigido 28 tesis. También ha publicado libros, capítulos e libro y artículos en esta temática 

Rebeca de Gortari Rabiela, UNAM

She dedicated the first twelve years of her academic activity to teaching at the FCPS of the UNAM, in subjects specific to her specialty, after obtaining a doctorate in Comparative History of Contemporary Societies, in Paris. From his full-time incorporation into research, without neglecting his teaching practice, he combined studies around History, Sociology and Anthropology. It is committed to generating a commitment between the social and the academic, with which it contributes to the formation of the new generations of students with that vision. The analysis of groups, associations, institutions, companies or even government instances, have allowed him to know their trajectories and dynamics of knowledge in different periods and times of contemporary Mexico, to distinguish the possibilities of collaboration and innovation and of construction or transformation of their Frameworks. Maintains a constant concern in the transfer, exchange and appropriation of knowledge from and between companies, organizations and academia, with a vision of management strategies in the face of globalizing changes, or in the face of national, local and regional exchange, considering the large and small technologies and innovations. He has a vast production in book publications, articles, book chapters and notebooks; some of his articles were published in international journals. Likewise, he shares his findings in national and international academic events, and in academic stays in other countries.

Marco Lopátegui Torres, UNAM

Master in International Relations from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM.

He served as Secretary of Academic Development at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM (2018-2020); Academic Secretary of the Professional Studies Division, FCPyS, UNAM (2013-2017); Secretary General of the Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI) (2013-2015). He is a Founding Member and Researcher of the Fundación por la Socialdemocracia de las Américas A.C., expert evaluator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for applicants for scholarships abroad and has participated as a peer evaluator and analyst for the Association for Accreditation and Certification in Social Sciences (ACCESS).

As a teacher, he has taught the subjects of Introduction to the study of International Relations, International Communications, Science and Technology in International Relations, International Relations Seminar.