Modeling a network of procedures in a higher education organization
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Purpose: To present the application of a methodological tool to build networks based on organizational processes in order to extend and corroborate its use for the purpose of structurally modelling several ways of organizing and detecting vulnerabilities thus allowing for the establishment and implementation of improvement strategies in management as well as support decision making.
Methodological design: The four phases of the methodology for the construction of networks based on organizational processes were applied to obtain information about the object of study, its procedures and the building of the network, in this case, at the Coordination of the Bachelor's Degree in Administration offered at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Campus Xochimilco (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco in Spanish). In addition, information was collected from two sources: the procedural manual provided by the institution and a field study which collected information about its activities for one year.
Results: This case study shows that the methodology is flexible, and it can be applied to any type of organization. Furthermore, it was extended to work not only with nodes made up of a single position, but also with entities made up of two or even more nodes.
Research limitations: In the resulting networks there are nodes that are visualized when they receive information, yet it not visible to where they direct that information. This occured because the interactions and connections they have with actors from other areas were not analyzed for this exercise.
Findings: Results show that, unlike work prior to this case study, there is joint work in the flow of some of the processes, which impacts activities on a daily basis, where teamwork is relevant for the Coordination of Administration.
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