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Hessibi Yesenia Romero Pazos


For a long time, we have questioned what the function of the school is and what we should teach. In this way, for a long time, there has been the erroneous idea that the school only trains future workers. Well, suppose we only consider these business concepts. In that case, we can lose education values such as learning, motivation, and pleasure. However, analyzing the current reality of learning, we see that education has focused on satisfying job skills, turning everything around what companies need and not what society requires.
Given the accelerated changes in our social structures, our way of thinking, and relating, we have been immersed in our problems. What role does the school play? Because the challenge of the current school goes beyond the transmission of knowledge, values, and skills, the training of the school must be aimed at the search for citizens who can be incorporated into social and work life.
Thus, the function of the school is to attend to the socialization process that guarantees social and cultural reproduction as a survival of society and must reach a humanization of the school that seeks change and transformation, provoking an understanding of the students in their individuality. In other words, educational training must provide students with skills that increase productivity and
competitiveness. However, it must also aim at quality training, social cohesion, and the consolidation of personal, social, and political lifestyles that guide citizen participation (Martínez and Esteban, 2005).
However, when analyzing the curricula, the role of schools, and teacher training, we see a high resistance to forming critical students capable of identifying and questioning inequality and above all, capable of being agents of change.


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How to Cite
Romero Pazos, H. Y. (2024). THE GENDER PERSPECTIVE: A NEED FOR TRAINING AT SCHOOL. Eutopía, 15(38), 15–20. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Hessibi Yesenia Romero Pazos, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Licenciada en Psicología y maestra en Docencia para la Educación Media Superior (MADEMS), ambas con meción honorífica. Es profesora de medio tiempo de Psicología en el Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades.