Educación digital: Los retos del nuevo siglo

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Patricia Trujano Ruiz
Vania Tovilla Quesada
Jessica Dorantes Segura


In the past few years, schools have been looking for options that enable them to raise the quality of education. Technological advances and their amazingly fast evolution, shape in Multimedia Systems (MMS) as the present and future of humanity. For others, it is more accurate speaking about Digital Education (DE) for referring the teaching-learning process that incorporates in the new digital technologies. In this work, we will make a critical tour among these technologies, and its unquestionable impact on various areas of knowledge. There will be reviewed as well, some of their effects, that are begun to be known as "the virtual generation", pointing out strengths and weaknesses in youth, and particularly in the field of education, on a landscape that seems to face the various positions and arguments on the matter. Finally, we will conclude contrasting the main assumptions of traditional and digital education, and new paradigms that emerge from it, emphasizing the needs and profiles of both teachers and students, who must keep them for optimal implementation. The final reflections are headed to the urgent task of position critically and reflective against challenges of the new century, and facing the need of finding alternatives to equity, to reduce the marginalization of social groups that our global blind society seems to ignore.

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How to Cite
Trujano Ruiz, P., Tovilla Quesada, V., & Dorantes Segura, J. (2010). Educación digital: Los retos del nuevo siglo. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(3). Retrieved from

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