To not keep reinventing the wheel: The pedagogical knowledge in use about aromatic compounds

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Andrea S. Farré
M. Gabriela Lorenzo


Aromatic compound’s pedagogical knowledge was documented. Discourse analysis was chosen asmethodological strategy in order to the study Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in use in classroomsituation by university organic chemistry teachers. The results showed that for this group ofteachers teaching reaction mechanism was more important than teaching aromaticity concept. Theytherefore spent more time, used more communication strategies, and employed different teachingtheories in use. So, the discourse analysis proved to be a powerful tool to investigate the PCK inuse that allows us to learn more about classroom practices.

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Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Andrea S. Farré, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Centro de Investigación y Apoyo a la Educación Científica (CIAEC). Cátedra deQuímica Orgánica I. Facultad de Famacia y Bioquímica. Universidad de Buenos Aires.

M. Gabriela Lorenzo, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Centro de Investigación y Apoyo a la Educación Científica. Facultad de Famacia yBioquímica (CIAEC). Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de InvestigacionesCientíficas y Técnicas. (CONICET)