DNA extraction using household materials: Development of an interdisciplinary strategy based on its scientific fundamentals

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Jesús Gómez Ochoa de Alda
José María Marcos-Merino
Rocío Esteban Gallego


As it is commonly accepted, a systemic view is required to solve the major problems of mankind. However, the current organization of the educational system provides a reductionist approach to specific concepts of each field. Good command of systemic view is particularly relevant for prospective teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools, since they should be able to transmit a global perspective of science in stages of education in which courses are stated to be divided in disciplines. In this contribution, we present an interdisciplinary didactic proposal based on the scientific fundamentals behind DNA extraction using household materials. This activity, addressed to prospective teachers, provides a systemic perspective of science by implementing basic concepts of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology while facilitating to introduce and encourage discussion of social and ethical aspects of biotechnology.

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