Evaluating fluid dynamics linking a process

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Fabiola Escobar Moreno
Mario Humberto Ramírez Díaz
Juan Carlos Ruiz Mendoza


An alternative is presented to assess the resolution of a contextualized problem of the chemical industry on fluid dynamics, specifically Bernoulli equation. The objective was to design an instrument based on a performance scale aligned with what the chemical industry requires of chemical engineering professionals. The approach was qualitative and was a non-experimental research with exploratory transectional design. Product of a field investigation and the application of the Dipcing methodology (design of study programs of the basic sciences of physics, chemistry and mathematics in engineering careers); Thus, a guide instrument for the evaluation of the learning products of university students was materialized, as a specific case carried out in the ESIQIE. This instrument turned out to be a multipurpose tool: what is known and how to improve; urges the student to reflect and promotes teamwork; In addition, it can be used for other topics related to chemical engineering of other educational institutions. Justifying the work of chemical engineering students based on a performance scale is closer to professional reality and is less subjective than appreciatively qualifying.

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Author Biography

Fabiola Escobar Moreno

Fabiola Escobar Moreno es Profesora de asignatura, con adscripción al Departamento de Formación Básica de la ESIQIE del IPN y. Es Ingeniera Química por el Instituto Tecnológico de Minatitlán y Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Veracruzana; Maestra en Ingeniería por el Tecnológico de Monterrey y Candidata a Doctora en Ciencias, especialidad Física Educativa por el Centro de Investigación de Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada del IPN. Cuenta con 5 diplomados y con más de 800 horas de capacitación en formación docente en cursos, seminarios y talleres. También tiene experiencia en la Industria Química, donde se desempeñó como asistente técnico en Mexichem.