Didactic strategy for learning the benzidine test and its importance for forensic science professionals

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Jose Antonio Nuñez Rodríguez


In this research, it was proposed to describe a didactic strategy for learning the benzidine test and its importance for forensic science professionals through a case available in a virtual forum, under the Moodle platform. We worked with 21 students enrolled in the Diploma in Criminal Investigation and Forensic Sciences of the Dr. José Gregorio Hernández University-Venezuela, during 2015. The suggested proposal stimulated curiosity and collaborative learning for the construction of scientific knowledge. However, the need to measure the terms of chemistry when teaching professionals unrelated to this science is highlighted, in order to substantiate and argue their expert performance. The students managed to understand the interpretation of this test for the presumptive study of bloodstains, from the scientific and legal point of view.

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Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Jose Antonio Nuñez Rodríguez, Universidad de Carabobo

Docente ordinario. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas y Forenses. Escuela de Ciencias Biomédicas y Tecnológicas-Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Carabobo.   Licenciado en Biología y Abogado especialista en criminalística. Magíster en Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas, Magíster Scientiarum en Educación Superior, mención Docencia Universitaria.