Conceptos de calor y trabajo en un foro electrónico. Efectos de la autoeficacia computacional
Contenido principal del artículo
Concepts of heat and work in an electronic forum. Effects of computer self-efficacy
The purpose of this study was to describe the activity performance in an electronic forum on the concepts of work and heat, and their relationship with computer self-efficacy and other variables, with the aim of providing tools that incorporate the use of ICT in the teaching of thermodynamics. Thirty four university students who were in the course of Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology participated in the study. We used the Computer Self- Efficacy Inventory (IAC) adapted by Peinado and Ramírez (2010). Significant relationships were found between performance on the electronic forum and computational efficacy subscale and between basic skills and performance in the electronic forum. The results suggest the need to consider the knowledge on electronic resources held by students to reinforce knowledge or training in new technologies, given that the more able to feel, they get better results in activities that involve the use of the computer.
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