Mobility Paulo Freire: internationalization of chemistry teacher training

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Junfanlee Manoel Oliveira Feliciano
Jefale Gonçalves Feliciano dos Santos


This article is the result of the analysis of the Paulo Freire Project for Academic Mobility for Students of University Teacher Education Programs with a focus on reflecting on Chemistry degree courses, for this purpose the present author uses his experience and report to develop writing while participating of this program, being linked to the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) in the degree course in Chemistry. In this work we intend to address issues that involve problems that are associated with the relationship between Science, Technology and Society (CTS) and the indispensability of this dimension to be part of the internationalization process of the courses in Nature and Earth Sciences, mainly regarding the course degree in Chemistry. The methodological strategy used for the analysis of the document was Content Analysis (AC) and Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD), in the analysis step the Atlas.ti software was used, it allows the use of the Word Count feature, in which it is intended work facilitating analysis at the textual level. in the search to understand the concepts involved and employed in the document and the core of the proposals that go through the specificities of the Chemistry degree course. In this way, this study brings elements to reflect on the current formative process of undergraduate students in Chemistry and on the need to introduce educational devices for a broad and integral formation of teachers in the internationalization process of undergraduate courses.

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Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Junfanlee Manoel Oliveira Feliciano, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro/MG

Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), participates in the Study and Research Group in Education and Culture (GEPEDUC) and in the Study and Research Group on Teacher Education and Science Teaching (FORPEC)

Jefale Gonçalves Feliciano dos Santos, Virtual University of the State of São Paulo

Virtual University of the State of São Paulo