Problem-solving methodology in chemical technician education

Main Article Content

Daniel das Chagas de Azevedo Ribeiro
Camila Greff Passos
Tania Denise Miskinis Salgado


In this article, we present the analysis of a problem-solving activity performed during a chemical technician course. We examine the contributions of the teaching-learning sequence when implemented in the development of conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal learning, focusing on environmental issues related to pesticides. In our investigation, we also report the perception of students regarding the teaching-learning sequence. The research was carried out in a public school in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, involving 29 students of the chemical technician course. The students solved problems created to address different approaches concerning pesticides. Data were obtained by the analysis of the researchers’ field diaries and questionnaires of the class in which the students participated in the problem-solving activity. The results showed that the teaching-learning sequence favoured conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal learning related to problem-solving and the environmental hazards that pesticides can cause. It was observed that the problem-solving methodology favoured the students’ autonomy, which is the ability to self-govern, to make one’s own decisions, and to be critical and reflective.

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Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Daniel das Chagas de Azevedo Ribeiro, UFRGS

Doutor em Educação em
Ciências pelo Programa de
Pós-Graduação Educação em
Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde
da Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Pesquisador do Grupo de
Pesquisa em Ensino de Química

Camila Greff Passos, UFRGS

Doutora em Educação
Química pelo Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Química da
UFRGS. Professora e Pesquisadora
do Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Química da UFRGS. Vice
coordenadora do GPEQ-UFRGS.

Tania Denise Miskinis Salgado, UFRGS

Doutora em Ciências pelo
Programa de Pós Graduação
em Física da UFRGS. Professora
e Pesquisadora do Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Química e do
Programa de Pós-Graduação
Educação em Ciências: Química
da Vida e Saúde da UFRGS.
Coordenadora do GPEQ-UFRGS.

Problem-solving methodology in chemical technician education