Design of didactic material in pandemic for a chemistry course for engineering students - anonymous

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Oscar Humberto Maltés Pérez
Stefanny Carmen Müller Parra
Margarita de Lourdes Pastén Olivares
Joaquín Cortés Osorio
Arturo Amicar Bernal Cárdenas
Erika Jacqueline Rojas Milla
Arturo Alejandro Vallejos Araya
María Alejandra Peralta Müller
Clotilde Aurora Pizarro Marín


The covid-19 pandemic generated various difficulties in university teaching and innovations in the didactics of chemistry. This research presents the design of didactic material based on the perception of the student body in the subject of General Chemistry for Engineering students during the second semester of 2021. A participatory action research design was used, through perception surveys and focus groups to investigate the sociodemographic background, satisfaction with the subject, class participation and perception of the Armageddon learning guides. Among the main results, high satisfaction with the subject and the learning guides designed, low participation and aspects to improve in the format of the learning guides stand out. These results agree with the positive perception of other innovations used in chemistry subjects and allowed the continuous improvement of the learning guides.

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