Gamification to facilitate the learning of the nomenclature of metal oxides in high school students

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Aníbal Gonzalo Galarza Chilán
Mario Adelfo Batista Zaldívar


The teaching-learning process of inorganic chemical nomenclature is complex and presents didactic limitations, which affect the meaningful learning of students. Consequently, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a didactic strategy based on gamification using Educaplay to improve the academic performance of high school students in learning the nomenclature of metal oxides. A systematic review of the literature, an explanatory approach and action research were carried out, with a mixed approach, a quasi-experimental design: a control group and an experimental group were created, with 38 first year high school students each, to whom a pretest and posttest were applied to measure the changes in their learning. SPSS V23 software was used to process the data collected. It was corroborated that the grades of the students belonging to the experimental group, once the didactic strategy was applied to them, were higher than the grades achieved by the students in the control group, who were taught inorganic nomenclature using the traditional methodology. It was concluded that the didactic strategy implemented improved the academic performance, motivation and attitude of the students towards their learning.

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