Validation of an instrument to evaluate the integral management of safety in academic laboratories

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Clara Rosalía Álvarez-Chávez
Angélica García-Rendón
Luz S. Marín-Ramírez
Alma Angelina Flores-Soto
Javier Esquer-Peralta


Safety in academic laboratories is a significant area of interest due to the different risk factors presented that expose laboratory staff as well as increase the likelihood of accidents. Through 111 items grouped into 4 dimensions, the original IGSSA instrument was proposed to comprehensively evaluate safety and health management along with civil and environmental protection in sciences laboratories at high schools. This study aimed to validate the IGSSA instrument to facilitate that teachers can conduct inspections to evaluate safety regulatory compliance in their science laboratories. The questionnaire content validation methodology included focus groups with representatives of regulatory agencies and cognitive interviews with laboratory teachers. The final IGSSA-LAB v1 instrument comprises a combined indicator, clustering 85 items into 7 dimensions. The instrument has a participatory approach since the inspection should be conducted by the laboratory teachers supporting the compliance with existing regulation. Additionally, it enhances knowledges and strengthens the safety culture and environment protection in high schools.

Article Details

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Author Biography

Clara Rosalía Álvarez-Chávez, Universidad de Sonora. Departamento de Cs. Químico-Biológicas y Posgrado en Sustentabilidad.

Departamento de Ciencias Químico Biológicas

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