To guide and focus contributions from the moment of submission, we invite those interested in publishing in Educación Química to familiarize themselves with the five sections that make up the journal.

This classification aims to promote the participation of educators, researchers in chemistry education, science communicators, and students, fostering a diverse community that contributes to the continuous improvement of chemistry education in the Ibero-American region through evidence-based information.

Communication (C)

This section features original, relevant, and broadly interesting contributions for the Educación Química audience. These submissions aim to update or expand upon topics previously addressed in publications related to chemistry, emphasizing their significance in chemistry education and application. Manuscripts must cite educational chemistry journals and prior articles from Educación Química.

Submissions should include an educational application proposal described within the text or through a didactic guide. These guides help educators implement topics or techniques effectively by proposing concrete pedagogical strategies such as experiments, reading activities, problem-solving, or educational games. If the topic’s relevance to chemistry syllabi is not immediately clear, the manuscript must include:

  1. A clarifying introduction.
  2. A potential placement within the educational program.
  3. Feasible classroom strategies.

The objectives of manuscripts in this section must align with at least one of the following:

  1. Promoting understanding of a novel topic.
  2. Providing useful information for specific didactic purposes.
  3. Presenting new technologies for educational purposes.
  4. Sharing innovative or more efficient methods for explaining complex concepts.

Note: Articles such as "Nobel Prize" and "Thematic Reviews" fall under this category but are accepted by invitation only.

Reflection (R)

This section focuses on original texts exploring significant aspects of chemistry education and learning. Reflections take a critical or analytical stance but do not employ specific methodologies.

Manuscripts in this section may:

  1. Discuss historical aspects of chemistry.
  2. Explore relationships between chemistry and other disciplines (e.g., art, law).
  3. Analyze current issues or debates in chemistry education.

Reflections should be thorough, clear, and relevant to chemistry education, avoiding unnecessary or excessive detail characteristic of specialized fields.

Educational Research (ER)

Manuscripts in this section report original research related to learning and teaching chemistry. Contributions can address topics such as assessment, laboratory learning, technology use, or curriculum design.

Basic requirements include:

  1. Literature Review: Situating the research within prior studies, preferably referencing Educación Química and other sources from Latin America.
  2. Research Questions: Clearly formulated and addressing relevant issues beyond the specific context of the study.
  3. Methodology: Clearly describing the chosen methodology and justifying its suitability. Include details on data collection methods, sample selection, and necessary ethical approvals.
  4. Results and Discussion: Presenting findings clearly and linking them to the literature review, supported by tables and graphs as appropriate.

Chemistry Didactics (CD)

This section presents innovative teaching methodologies or didactic proposals for teaching chemistry at various educational levels. Manuscripts may include units or sequences, curricular innovations, evaluation proposals, new teaching methods, or laboratory practices.

Requirements for contributions include:

  1. A strong theoretical foundation, supported by updated bibliographic references, including Educación Químicaarticles.
  2. Detailed descriptions of proposals.
  3. Results from their implementation, even if not formally validated by experts.

Manuscripts should demonstrate the applicability of these proposals in specific educational contexts through clear examples and practical strategies.

Experience Reports (ER)

Experience reports describe lived situations in chemistry education, analyzing pedagogical, methodological, or motivational aspects. These texts highlight significant activities with positive or negative outcomes, offering lessons for other educators and researchers.

Manuscripts in this section must:

  1. Present significant experiences in chemistry education.
  2. Clearly outline objectives and practical implications.
  3. Show analytical rigor and clarity in exposition.

Such texts can serve as foundations for more formal proposals, such as didactic articles or case studies.

Closed Sections

The journal also includes other sections not open to unsolicited contributions, such as editorials, invited articles, or reader information, as determined by the Editorial Committee.