Química Sostenible: Naturaleza, fines y ámbito
Contenido principal del artículo
Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Nature, Aims and Scope
Green Chemistry entails a philosophy which is summarized in the twelve principles enunciated by Anastas and Warner, and whose aim is an industrial chemical process based on clean and safe reactions. This philosophy applies as well to other industries and activities which are based on chemical conversions, or on use of chemicals. Study of the industrial chemical process allows the visualization of convenient strategies for its greening, which are to be accomplished by related research or development fields, such as use of renewable source materials, substitution of traditional organic solvents, use of catalytic and biocatalytic procedures, or selective activation of reacting molecules. Previous to the industrial process, although with much later effects on the environment, new chemicals must be designed to fulfill conveniently their function and to be easily recycled o degraded at the end of their use.
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