Una reconceptualización del concepto de elemento como base para una nueva representación del sistema periódico

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Martín Labarca
Alfio Zambon


A reconceptualization of the concept of element as the basis for a new representation of the periodic system

The aim of this paper is to propose a new conceptualization of the term ‘element’ as the basis for a new representation of the periodic system. For this purpose we begin by recalling the dual sense of the concept of element. Next, we develop the ‘limits isotopes’ argument which is the basis of the new periodic chart. This task leads us both to reconceptualize the notion of element and to characterize the term ‘basic substance’. In turn, the argument is used to face the epistemological problem with hydrogen and helium in the periodic table. Finally, the Döbereiner’s triads are used to calculate atomic masses in three periodic charts: the medium-long-form, the modified ‘left-step’ proposed by Scerri, and the proposed in this work. Evaluation results allows us to stand out the fruitful predictive power of our periodic system.

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