An overview of today's project-based learning and how it has been implemented in the Chemical Engineering School at Universidad de Los Andes

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Laura Tolosa
Ronald Marquez
Leonardo Rennola
Beatriz Sandia
Johnny Bullon


This paper builds on a project-based engineering learning strategy called RAIS ‘Reproducing an Innovation Environment in the Classroom’ applied in courses in the Chemical Engineering curriculum at the Universidad de Los Andes (ULA). It follows a previous investigation where the practical implementation of RAIS strategy is presented (Marquez et al., 2016), and in this occasion the theoretical fundamentals of the RAIS strategy are outlined. Authors take the common project-based learning to a new level by directly involving the students in the common start-up company practice where the final product to be formulated and manufactured is not a requirement from an external client but comes from real entrepreneurship students’ interests. In previous work it has been shown that this strategy allows interconnecting the course objectives with the development of a product. RAIS strategy has reported successful outcomes in the accomplishment of this goal for Chemical Engineering students at ULA.

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Author Biographies

Laura Tolosa, Facultad de Ingeniería, Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de los Andes

Laura Tolosa is Associate Professor at the Chemical Engineering School at Universidad de Los Andes. She is currently fininshing a Bachelor's degree in education, in addition to the degree of Chemical Engineer she has.

Ronald Marquez, Laboratorio FIRP, Escuela de Ingenieria Quimica, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de los Andes

Ronald Marquez is a Chemical Engineer from Universidad de Los Andes (Merida-Venezuela) and is currently carrying out Doctoral studies in the area of Interfacial Rheology in applications of crude oil emulsion breaking and enhanced oil recovery. He is an Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial and Applied Chemistry at ULA and a researcher of FIRP Laboratory for more than 10 years.

Leonardo Rennola, Laboratorio FIRP, Escuela de Ingenieria Química, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Los Andes

Leonardo Rennola is Full Professor at the Chemical Engineering School at  Universidad de Los Andes. Specialist in Project Evaluation and water treatment.

Beatriz Sandia, Escuela Basica, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Los Andes

Beatriz Sandia is Full Professor of the Department of Applied and Humanistic Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering at Universidad de Los Andes. His research area is new didactic and computational educational strategies.

Johnny Bullon, Laboratorio FIRP, Escuela de Ingenieria Quimica, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Los Andes

Johnny Bullon is the Director of the Laboratory of Formulation, Interfaces, Reology and Processes (FIRP Lab) of the Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela. His areas of research are emulsions, pulp and paper, membranes and interfacial phenomena. Professor of the Chemical Engineering School at ULA for more than 25 years

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