Applying organic chemistry in the synthesis of polymers by the step mechanism

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Ana María Herrera-González
Nayely Trejo-Carbajal
Martín Caldera-Villalobos


Chemistry teaching is dynamic and one way to generate meaningful learning is through its application. For example, organic chemistry is applied to polymerization mechanisms and promotes their understanding. It is very common to find chain mechanisms in books, whether ionic or via free radicals, but this is not the case for polymers that are obtained in step mechanisms. The step mechanisms are different depending on the organic functional groups involved in the polymerization reactions. So, knowledge of organic chemistry is necessary to understand these mechanisms. The mechanisms of polymerization reactions can be a complex topic to understand for many students and apprentices of polymer chemistry. This article details and compares the mechanisms of stage and chain polymerization, evidencing their differences and emphasizes developing reaction mechanisms of some commodity and engineering polymers that are obtained by the step mechanism; PET, Nylon, Thiokol, polyurethane, Bakelite and melamine in a didactic and dynamic way for easy learning.

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