3D Creator Laboratory: A proposal to teach, learn and enjoy chemical sciences with three-dimensional printing
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This article documents the installation, start-up and pilot testing of a 3D printing laboratory to develop competencies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and strengthen “self-efficacy” in students of careers in chemical sciences. “Self-efficacy” describes a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in a particular situation, including learning. A makers laboratory 3D is a digital fabrication space for three-dimensions printed prototypes that can materialize intangible chemical concepts. Consequently, it is a space that helps students to build meaningful experiences through sensory-enriched lessons by designing, creating, viewing and manipulating prints within a teacher-directed learning environment. The impact of the Makers 3D Lab´s experience was measured qualitatively through an internationally validated questionnaire on confidence in STEM skills. The test was performed before and after an experiential 3D printing experience in third-semester students of an academic laboratory and in seventh semester students of a theoretical course. Results showed an improvement in the self-efficacy of STEM competencies of 60±5% and 10±6% for the academic laboratory and the theoretical subject, respectively. In conclusion, the processes of teaching and learning chemistry in a Makers 3D Lab observed a meaningful experience that allowed to enjoy and strengthen the confidence in self-management of knowledge for the students.
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