Towards an epistemological history of Organometallic Chemistry: philosophical interpretation from Larry Laudan (I)

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Alexander Cárdenas-Acero
Carlos J. Mosquera
Edwin A. Baquero


An historical approach to teaching chemistry can be enhanced by integrating a philosophical perspective of science. This approach broadens students’ understanding of the evolving nature of chemistry and how it is continually changing. This article aims to present a philosophical interpretation of the history of Organometallic Chemistry through Larry Laudan’s standpoint. To achieve this goal, the paper analyzes classical models of scientific change (Kuhn, Lakatos) and their influence on Laudan’s Research Traditions (RT) model. After outlining the generalities of the RT model, the paper presents the formal definition of the Coordination Theory as an RT that shapes the discipline under study. Subsequently, the article provides a macro-theoretical level analysis of this tradition from Laudan’s perspective. Finally, the paper concludes with comments and future perspectives for reflection.

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