Fostering in situ chemical analysis at a center for culture and conservation

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Adriana Leticia Meléndez López
Jorge Armando Cruz Castañeda
Alicia Negrón Mendoza
Sergio Ramos Bernal
Alejandro Heredia Barbero


The Aquatic Chemistry (QA) course offered at the National School of Earth Sciences (ENCiT) of UNAM aims to explore the fundamental aspects of water, its properties, and methods for studying various aquatic ecosystems. This study presents the results of in situ chemical analysis conducted at the Grutas de Cacahuamilpa National Park, Taxco, Guerrero, considered a center for culture and conservation. The experience of fourth-semester students from the 2023-2 Earth Sciences Bachelor's program highlights the importance of in situ analysis in assessing the negative impact of environmental awareness deficiency. From an academic perspective, the need for students to develop the skill of accurately measuring chemical species in aquatic systems is emphasized, with the goal of understanding their current state and proposing viable solutions.

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