Organic chemistry in harmony with our sensations

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Vanina Alejandra Guntero
Micaela Peralta
Cristián Alejandro Ferretti
Pedro Máximo Mancini
María Nélida Kneeteman


In this work the development and the results of a practical work are shown. The practical work has been designed for the teaching of organic chemistry in an average teaching course. The selected theme is related to the perfume industry. Its main goal was related to promoting the study of the chemical discipline. This work was carried out within five weeks. It contemplates the fundamental abilities of reading, writing, orality and critical thinking. The results obtained indicate that it was possible to consolidate contents, relate them to others previously developed, improve the writing and presentation of reports, develop collaborative work, and improve skills in the handling of laboratory material.

Detalhes do artigo

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Biografia do Autor

Vanina Alejandra Guntero, 1 Grupo Productos Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional San Francisco 2 IQAL (UNL-CONICET), Laboratorio Fester-Química Orgánica (FIQ), Universidad Nacional del Litoral 3 IPEA N° 222 “Agrónomo Américo Almes Milani”

Docente Investigadora de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

Micaela Peralta, Grupo Productos Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional San Francisco

Becaria del grupo I+D Productos Naturales

Cristián Alejandro Ferretti, IQAL (UNL-CONICET), Laboratorio Fester-Química Orgánica (FIQ), Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Docente Investigador IQAL-UNL-CONICET

Pedro Máximo Mancini, IQAL (UNL-CONICET), Laboratorio Fester-Química Orgánica (FIQ), Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Docente Investigador IQAL-UNL-CONICET

María Nélida Kneeteman, IQAL (UNL-CONICET), Laboratorio Fester-Química Orgánica (FIQ), Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Docente Investigadora IQAL-UNL-CONICET

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