Multiple representation-based mobile apps with learning cycle 7e model on colligative properties of solutions

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Hayuni Retno Widarti
Deni Ainur Rokhim
Nuril Maqfiroh Sarosah Rahmaniyah


Chemical phenomena can be explained using levels of representation consisting of macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic representations. Explanation of representation levels or known as multiple representations in chemistry learning is very important to provide students with a complete understanding of the material concept being studied. One of the chemistry subject matters that requires multiple representation explanations is the colligative properties of solutions. The research aims to develop teaching materials of mobile apps based on multiple representation with learning cycle 7e model on the material colligative properties of solutions which is feasible as a material resource. Research which is conducted the research development by using the 4D model Thiagarajan, but research is limited only in three stages namely the define, design, and develop stages, then continued with the revision of the final product of teaching materials. The validation test of teaching materials was carried out by 2 chemistry lecturers and 1 chemistry teacher. Aspects of validation include assessing aspects of content, construct, language, media, and conformity with the learning cycle 7e syntax. The readability test was carried out by 20 students of XII class IPA SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang. Aspects of readability test include assessment of appearance, presentation material, and benefits. The data obtained were analyzed by percentage and interpreted to determine the feasibility of developed teaching material. The results of the validation test obtained a percentage of 84% (very feasible) and a readability test of 92% (very feasible). This shows that the multiple representation-based mobile apps teaching materials with the 7e learning cycle model on the colligative properties of the solutions that have been developed are very feasible to be used as teaching materials.

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