Spatial skills and competences in Chemical Engineering
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Spatial intelligence corresponds to one of the intelligences of the model proposed by Howard Gardnerin multiple intelligences theory. The viso-spatial intelligence is considered as the ability to thinkand perceive the world in pictures. People who have this intelligence have a great capacity to think inthree dimensions. This intelligence allows a person to perceive images, external and internal, recreatethem, transform or modify them, and decode graphic information. Chemical engineering is aprofession that is responsible for the planning, construction and operation of chemical and relatedplants. Chemical engineers must be competent in the use of space either in two or three dimensions,for this purpose they must develop the viso-spatial intelligence, because they must interpret and createplanes, read and interpret data, design equipment and plants, understand the spatial connectionbetween the different part of a process, etc. However, we found that our students do not possess thenecessary skills to interpret and create drawings and models because in our Faculty of Chemistry noimportance is given to the construction of models, equipment and prototypes. This is why the authorsof this paper assign projects to four-student teams. The projects consist in designing an equipmentthat involves calculations and interpretation of graphics, drawings and models. The survey thatstudents have answered indicates that as a result they have improved their visio-space skills.
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