Use of evidence and decisions of pre-service teachers in a debate on plastics bans
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The society requires reflective and critical citizens who know how to effectively solve current problems posed by scientific-technological aspects. To this end, it is necessary that students to be trained in the necessary skills so that they know how to act responsibly in the face of these problems. Thus, evidence-based argumentation is essential as it will allow informed decisions to be made, and debates are an appropriate tool to promote it in the classroom. This paper raises a debate on the socio-scientific problem of the ban on single-use plastics in the initial training of secondary school teachers. The participants act as listeners to the debate between two people, one for and one against the ban, and must make an argued decision on the problem before and after the debate. The results show important changes in the decision adopted at the two moments, with a predominance of positions in favor before the debate and both positions after, supported by different types of evidence, initially environmental, social and related to material properties, and finally social in many cases.
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