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Vol. 9 No. 23: Enero - Diciembre 2021
Health, Biological and Chemical Sciences
The need for medical professionals in health service universalization in Mexico
Edgar Carlos Jarillo Soto, Juan Manuel Mendoza Rodríguez
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Morphological diversity of mesquite (Prosopis spp.) in the region of Pénjamo, Guanajuato, Mexico
María Guadalupe Moreno-Contreras, Teresa Susana Herrera Flores, Eva Marcela Licea De Anda, Alda Alejandra Arratia Castro, Azael Medina Haro
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Service Quality Evaluation in the Undergraduate Stomatology Degree at BUAP: SERVPERF and Donabedian Methodologies
Edith López Ramírez, Ma. Cristina Sifuentes Valenzuela, Rebeca Lucero Rodríguez, Sonia Lilia Aguilar, Gloria Patricia Perea González
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Physical dormancy, morphoanatomy and proximal analysis of the Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb seed
Sonia Hernández Epigmenio, Dante Arturo Rodríguez-Trejo, Diodoro Granados Sánchez, José Artemio Cadena Meneses
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Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
The History of Entrepreneurship Backward: An Exploratory Approach from Industrial Archaeology
Oscar Javier Montiel Mendez
Estimation of Municipal Income Distribution in Mexico
Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez, Roberto Gallardo Del Ángel, Cecilia Cruz López
Territorial governance in institutional food protection. Approaches from the AO of coffee in Mexico
Laura Elena Martínez Salvador, Daniel De Jesús Contreras
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Globalization and its Influence on 21st Century Mexican Literature
Tarik Torres Mojica
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Promotion of breastfeeding in universities
Alejandra García Franco, Claudia Haydée González de la Rosa
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Effects of COVID-19 sanitary measures on aquaculture in the northwestern region of Mexico
Nissa Yaing Torres Soto, José Crisóforo Carrazco Escalante, Daniel Rojas Méndez, Eduardo Leyva León
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Makerspaces: Scientometric indicators and implications for innovation, education and entrepreneurship
Rubén Oliver-Espinoza
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Qualitative indicators of well-being in Mexican coastal communities. An inclusive local perspective
Arely Anahy Paredes Chi, Diana de Yta Castillo
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Intervention for rural innovation in organic Roselle cooperatives in the Mexican dry tropics
Octavio T. Barrera-Perales, Ana L. Burgos, Martín López-Ménera, Jorge L. Reina-García
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Academic advising committees and the hypermedia handwriting notes helping reflective thinking in graduated students
Manuel Francisco Aguilar Tamayo, Antonio Padilla Arroyo, Gabriela López Aymes, Jorge Guerrero Barrios
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Cannabis regulation in Mexico and its relation to labor law
José Domingo Schievenini Stefanoni, Rolando Javier Salinas García
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Between inequality and opportunity: Monitoring educational challenges to teaching during the pandemic at UNAM
Mercedes De Aguero Servín, Mario Alberto Benavides Lara, Abigail Manzano Patiño, Melchor Sánchez Mendiola
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The Perception of Space in Virtual Reality, Correlation Between Affordances and Spatial Presence
Perla Carrillo Quiroga, Julio César Chacón Hernández
Mexico facing the challenge of border knowledge of social entrepreneurship
Mariana Zerón Félix, Cristian Alejandro Rubalcava de León, Manuel Humberto de la Garza Cárdenas
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Multilevel governance in the integration of the automotive innovation and technology transfer consortia of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Lourdes Marquina Sánchez, Lourdes Álvarez Medina
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A new model of higher education: creation, implementation and results, ENES-León, UNAM
Javier De la Fuente-Hernández, María Leticia De-Anda-Munguía, Susana Suárez-Paniagua, Laura Susana Acosta-Torres, Verónica del Rocío Zúñiga-Arrieta, José Ramiro Martís-Flórez
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Freire’s footprint on intercultural education: Comparative glances at higher education in Colombia and Mexico
Leonardo Montoya-Peláez, Laura Selene Mateos Cortés, Gunther Dietz
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Environmental Leadership Styles in Auto Parts Industry in Queretaro
José Jaime Paulín Larracoechea, Marco Antonio Carrillo Pacheco
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Characterization of generational succession in family businesses in South American countries
Viviana Avellán Herrera, Varna Hernández Junco
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The circular economy in new business models
Graciela Carrillo González, Silvia Pomar Fernández
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La enseñanza, lo femenino y la vida. Reseña del libro: Foucault, M. (2020) La sexualidad. Seguido de El discurso de la sexualidad
Ana María Valle Vázquez
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Critical review of the article “Effect of Low Hydroxyapatite Loading Fraction on the Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Nanocomposites for Dentures”
Virginia Campos Sanabria, Karla Judith Moreno Bello